§ 37-5-7. Time of election and terms of office of members of board.
(1) On the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May, 1954, an election shall be held in each county in this state in the same manner as general state and county elections are held and conducted, which election shall be held for the purpose of electing the county boards of education established under the provisions of this chapter. At such election, the members of the said board from Supervisors Districts One and Two shall be elected for the term expiring on the first Monday of January, 1957; members of the board from Supervisors Districts Three and Four shall be elected for a term expiring on the first Monday of January, 1959; and the member of the board from Supervisors District Five shall be elected for a term expiring on the first Monday of January, 1955. Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2), all subsequent members of the board shall be elected for a term of six (6) years at the regular general election held on the first Monday in November next preceding the expiration of the term of office of the respective member or members of such board. All members of the county board of education as herein constituted, shall take office on the first Monday of January following the date of their election.
(2) On the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, in any year in which any county shall elect to utilize the authority contained in Section 37-5-1(2), an election shall be held in each such county in this state for the purpose of electing the county boards of education in such counties. At said election the members of the said county board of education from Districts One and Two shall be elected for a term of four (4) years, the members from Districts Three and Four shall be elected for a term of six (6) years, and the member from District Five shall be elected for a term of two (2) years. Thereafter, members shall be elected at general elections as vacancies occur for terms of six (6) years each. All members of the county board of education shall take office on the first Monday of January following the date of their election.

Kilpatrick Sibley, Member - District 1
(662) 207-0935
Term Expires: 12/2029

Bryant Kimbrough, Member - District 2
(662) 207-0900
Term Expires: 12/2029

Debra Johnson, President- District 3
(662) 207-0950
Term Expires: 12/2026

Evelyn Woods, Vice President - District 4
(662) 207-0960
Term Expires: 12/2025
Melanie Townsend, Secretary - District 5
(662) 207-0939
Term Expires: 12/2026
Miskia Davis, Superintendent
(662) 207-3969