Curriculum and Instruction Team
The Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment is committed to providing teachers and students with educational opportunities and experiences that will ensure all students will graduate college and career ready. A concerted effort will be made to assist in the development and delivery of a curriculum that is uniform throughout the district. The curriculum will be continuously reviewed, evaluated, and updated to ensure that the most current research-based strategies and practices are being utilized to improve learning outcomes.
Curriculum Belief Statements
We believe that a quality, comprehensive curriculum should:
- Be collaboratively designed to coordinate and connect instruction horizontally and vertically Pre-K through 12th grade.
- Be informed by research and data, developed with an awareness of future trends, and aligned to designated standards.
- Guide teaching and learning with an emphasis on high expectations for student achievement
- Emphasize quality instruction that is aligned to the curriculum in order to better accommodate the needs of all students.
- Delineate essential student learning, define depth and breadth of instruction, include aligned assessments, and provide scope and sequence as appropriate to guide instruction.

LiThesia Kent, District Testing and Counseling Coordinator
Administrative Building, 702 Hwy 82E, Indianola, MS 38751
(662) 887-1200 Ext/131

Shamethria Beaman, Curriculum Specialist
Administrative Building, 702 Hwy 82E, Indianola, MS 38751
(662) 887-1200 Ext/143

Dylan Jones, Data and Information Technology Specialist
Administrative Building, 702 Hwy 82E, Indianola, MS 38751
(662) 887-1200 Ext/142